Creating Space ... in the bedroom

Creating Space ... in the bedroom


When it comes to our home, it’s safe to say that we all feel we could do with a little extra space. Somewhere to store those things that just don’t fit anywhere else. Perhaps your family is growing and suddenly the children’s bedrooms are not quite big enough to accommodate all the toys, books and clothes that they need.

Maybe it’s your room that is now feeling a little cramped following that trip to the sales earlier in the year. Whichever room it may be, we have some suggestions on how to make the most of the space you currently have.

Raise the bed …

Under the bed is a great place which is very often under-used. There’s an average of 2.5m2 under a double bed, giving you extra storage for shoes, clothes or books. Try raising your bed using blocks or even clean bricks and then make use of old drawers giving you the freedom to easily slide them out when needed.

Of course, underneath the bed isn’t the only place additional storage can be found. If you have a large headboard that takes up a lot of space, perhaps you can change it for one with built-in storage compartments.  

Or the floor …

If you can’t raise the bed, then perhaps your local friendly joiner could build a raised stage for your bed. Raising the floor can afford you additional space to stow away those winter clothes, or vast library of books you can’t bear to part with.

Things are looking up …

If there’s limited space below you then try looking up.  Adding shelves or cupboards around the walls just under the ceiling is a great way to add storage without placing large heavy furniture on the floor. Try adding fairy lights or some colour-changing LED strips to the underneath for an added feature.

Don’t stare at a plain wall …

Do you have a tv taking up vital space on your dresser or drawers? Why not hang it on the wall? Most modern televisions have the facility to be wall mounted without too much hassle. Remember to use the correct fixings for the type of wall you have. If in doubt, it’s worth consulting an expert to do it for you.

Get boxed in …

You may wish to consider swapping those old bulky stand-alone wardrobes for something sleeker. Having fitted, built-in wardrobes offer many benefits, and you can customise the interior to suit your personal requirements.  

And something for the children …

Children’s rooms are often short on storage no matter how large the space is. Toys, books, games, clothes and homework all needs a suitable place to live. For younger children with lots of soft toys, use an empty beanbag sack to store them in, which can also double as comfy reading seat. Never underestimate the capabilities of the bunk bed! Bunk beds, cabin beds and mid-sleepers can all be used to create additional storage. Old bunk beds are a fabulous addition. If it allows, removing the bottom bunk can make way for small wardrobes, bookcases or even a pull-out desk. Creating a fairytale bed can add storage by the box load. Raise the bed and surround it with cubbies. You can also use these to make a staircase to get to the bed. Add baskets or foldaway boxes so your child can keep track of all their belongings. Don’t have space for a full-sized bookcase? Use slim shelves, add plastic pipe or curtain wire across the front to allow books to be displayed facing forwards and also prevent them from falling off.

However you decide to add additional storage to your home, remember it doesn’t always have to be boring, especially for the children. Try experimenting with colour, texture and quirky fittings to really add that something special to your home.

For more tips and advice on making the best of your home, why not check out our other blogs and follow us on social media.